Jessica B.

Posts Tagged ‘phrase’


In rumination on 20110222 at 22:30

The phrase “one in none” bespeaks foolery.
The phrase “one in one” proves certainty.
The phrase “one in ten” indicates normality.
The phrase “one in a hundred” signals concern.
The phrase “one in a thousand” suggests rarity.
The phrase “one in a million” connotes awe.
The phrase “one in a billion” commands humility.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090914 at 07:14

If you find it easy to count all of your misfortunes, it may be because it is too hard to tally all of your fortunes.

A fool, lacking virtue, seeks violence.

A burdened back is a broken back to the fool and a bettered back to the wise.

A truth exists, no matter how it is phrased or who ignores it.

The sun is set upon the horizon.

Virtue is like the horizon, always in sight, though less often reached.