Jessica B.

Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110131 at 13:40

Silence finds the fool absent, the wise present.

Still body, active mind.
Active body, still mind.

True power, honor, respect -are earned only when first given.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110129 at 19:54

A smile can warm the coldest shoulder.

Wisdom is rarely found in the company of comfort.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110128 at 12:04

To keep in the dark is to deprive of the light.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110127 at 20:06

The door that never opens is not a door; with hinges rendered useless, it is but a wall.

The two-faced, ever with a spare, are destined to lose face.

If art is an expression of reality, perception is an interpretation of reality.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110126 at 14:39

A map shows the way, but tells not where to go.

With an eye blind to the present, a fool robs the future to glorify the past.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110125 at 11:45

Able is as can did.

To be enlightened, one need not produce the light -only reflect it.

Who dares to bare his soul, so frees his soul.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110122 at 12:17

With little skill and without care is it easy to tear down; only with great will and much care is it possible to build up.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110121 at 01:40

Sooner the wise to forgive than the fool to apologize.

Condemn another, not without entangling oneself.


In aphorism, proverb, rumination on 20110120 at 11:21

The quest for righteousness at the heels of the wrong is as a dog chasing its own tail.


In aphorism, proverb, rumination on 20110119 at 12:49

Courage, not without the goading of desperation.

There are but two ways to display power: the power we give, the power we lose.

《On the Mathematics of Power》
The power of negation is seen in the struggle for power.
The power of subtraction is seen in the misuse of power.
The power of addition is seen in the joining of power.
The power of multiplication is seen in the giving of power.