Jessica B.

Posts Tagged ‘but’


In aphorism on 20171004 at 23:55

Prayer may carry you through a crisis, but it will prevent nary a crisis.


In aphorism, bon mot, proverb on 20160731 at 23:55

The moment you decide that you deserve better is the moment that you know better—and already in this moment, you are better off.

The fool wears chains to the tune of gold—grounded in insecurity, weighted by vanity, and convinced they are better off decorated than liberated.

As if the limits of mortality were not damning enough, the fool boasts of his own. 

If a fool looks for dirt in the cleanest of waters, he is sure to succeed—if only in finding his reflection.

The fool dismisses a dozen opportunities before asking for a second chance.

Regret is the currency of the fool and the agency of the wise.

Waking up is hard to do, but it’s the only way to welcome in a new day.

What is the difference between mail and email? a LETTER


In aphorism on 20141228 at 10:49

That there exists a bright side certainly and silently admits the presence of a dark side. To focus on but one side behooves no one.


In aphorism on 20141019 at 01:23

It is not in our answering of questions that we stand to learn the most, but in our asking.

The horizon can only be viewed from afar.

It takes but a closed eye to ever deny a sunset.


In aphorism, proverb on 20140319 at 21:43

How we handle a present failing is more crucial to determining a future success than is the incidence of the failure itself.

Every incidence of failure is given an opportunity for redemption, and that depends on whether we let it stop us or whether we bow to it or allow it to inspire a change within us.

A present failing is often but a perceived failing.

A failing offers but an opportunity to try again with informed experience behind us.

To loosen one’s grip is not necessarily to lose one’s grip.


In aphorism, proverb on 20120802 at 23:59

Maintain real dialogue with those in rash disagreement, for worse than rare disaccord is rife division.

No matter which evil you are fighting, you are still fighting. To negate evil, do not entertain it, only be its antithesis.

What good is the purest of water if it will not irrigate the driest of dirt?

No one can stop you from being who you want to be, without your permission.

Turn away from darkness, but never hide your light.

The filth may stop at the bottom, but it originates at the top.

The crumbs may rest on the floor, but the loaf is cut from above.

The fool cook mops first the floor and wipes second the counter.


In aphorism, proverb on 20120602 at 23:58

To blame technology for any limitation is but an excuse.

Persistence transcends the impossible, the will transcends all.

May your will be good will.


In aphorism, proverb on 20120520 at 23:58

When progress seems to abscond,
when digression seems to supersede,
it might just seem, it might just be –
that progress has but skipped and leaped, indeed.

What force does pillage now, patience is gifted soon.

A step forward is one more than infinite retreats, absent.

Headway exists where setbacks are stalled.

What gives pique the impression of digression, or even regression, patience may find progression.

Have patience when the going gets tough, with wisdom to know that you are just getting going.

A plea for unnecessary help is a terrible waste of potential.

With pride is a toil spoiled.


In aphorism, proverb, rumination on 20120516 at 23:59

Without an outrage, a wrong is not a scandal.

Impatience is the supernatural disappointment of mortal expectations.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but Earth… was?

Who imagine forgiveness, realize peace. Who imagine revenge, realize war.

Imagine a society that accepts its responsibility to support each person as equally as it expects each person to respect its rule. Imagine if just one person supported a single other person, regardless of their imperfect past, embracing them for who they have the potential to be. Imagine a society that can forgive each other, that we may realize a future together.

To become independent is to be freed.

Independence is a form of freedom. Dependence is a form of captivity.

The independent must collaborate, the dependent must delegate.

The guilty act defensively, the guiltless need not act -they are defenseless.

Who is without guilt is without need for defense.

The fool argue a truth with a falsity.

Calling a piece of shit “a piece of shit” is not to be negative, it is to acknowledge truth, to refuse judgment.

To compliment where an insult is due is to refuse the truth.

Who deny the truth fool themselves.

Being me is the greatest challenge I could ever face -when I do that, everything else is a cinch. When I don’t, everything is a task.

The greatest deception, the greatest revelation -is of the self.


In aphorism, proverb on 20120513 at 23:57

noun; one who stands by [something], and thus condones [something], even supports [something].

A foolish argument is grounded in a foundation of desperation.

The fool praise the light, but live by the darkness.

The only way to fight evil is to not join it, not contribute to it.

The fool trust not those without intention to convert, confusing conversion for conviction.

The fool ask ‘How to conquer those who threaten us?’, not facing the reality of their contribution.

Who is without a weapon is feared only by the fool.

Defenseless, the fool become defensive.

Defense, by any other name, is offense.

Where some fool are critical, other fool are insecure.

Where two side against one, is strength only but numbers, is weakness only but elsewhere.

The fool seek not to hear, with a defense of listening.

The fool have ears, but do not hear; have eyes, but do not see; have hearts, but do not feel.

Resolution led by a moderator is not a resolution of two.

The fool don’t the best they can, the wise do the best they can’t.

Seize wisdom from the depths, net ignorance from the shallows.

The fool adjudge assumptions, the wise consider intentions.

Criticism that negates compliments exposes false compliments; criticism that complements compliments  reveals true compliments.

Forever to be trusted, are the fool and their fallacy.

Sooner an apology to be forgiven than the innocent to be spared.

The fool hear with ears that deceive.

Where fault lies, a defense is readied. Where understanding lies, an offense is unnecessary.

Do plumbers have pipe dreams?

Sooner a parent to side with the other than with truth.

Wisdom is not without extent.

Perspective and understanding are but two sides of a multi-dimensional reality.

Concern falls as criticism to fool ears.

The fool have a defense for every criticism, an offense for every defense, a criticism for every offense.

Who is fool enough to fight logic with illogic, falls victim to his own weapon.

What time does not heal, memory must forgive.

No one judges more or less than the next -some admit it, others deny it.

A poor defense is as good as no defense.

The fool fail to fathom the color beyond text, black and white.