Jessica B.

Archive for October, 2012|Monthly archive page


In aphorism, proverb, question, quote, rumination on 20121024 at 23:57

To screw the system so as to save yourself, or to screw yourself so as to save the system? Says 91+ years of wisdom, without hesitation, “Screw the system [and save yourself.” For a broken system is not often a system worth saving, and by saving yourself, you will more importantly reinvent the system anew. Lo, the system worth saving may ask for your sacrifice, but never to screw yourself. Not ever.

Condone a system or create a system.

Words of wisdom are easier philosophized than realized.

It isn’t for fear of the unknown that we fear death, it is for fear of losing the present that we fear not living.

The Uneducated and the Ignorant are beasts of two different orders.

Order ranks below class.

Constructive criticism is a compliment to the wise, a complaint to the fool.


In aphorism, proverb on 20121021 at 22:06

The fool are rank-focused, guided by pride. The wise are task-focused, guided by progress.

Life without risk is certain death. Death with certain risk is life.

Who does not laugh is the joke.

The foe to a fool is so a foe to a fool’s friends, too.

You may very well be a product of your environment, so choose wisely your environment.