Jessica B.

Archive for the ‘chinese’ Category


In aphorism, chinese, proverb, rumination on 20110730 at 09:39

Math follows rule; language follows reason.

(Green bamboo, clear water.)


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110707 at 09:03

A postcard is as the moon of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, uniting friends afar.

Self be wise; make fool only without truth. [top 8 words from this blog, on this day]

The sun shines on, amidst sweat, tears, and blood.

No sooner does the sun set, does the sun rise again.


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110210 at 12:24

One cannot both command honesty and condone dishonesty without encouraging corruption.

There is no unity like unity against an enemy.


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110206 at 11:57

Tis better to let go than to lose. 扔不如送。

The scab that bleeds has yet to heal.

Fear bears preconceptions, breeds misunderstanding.

To only eat and sleep is more tiresome than to exercise. 光吃光睡比锻炼还要累。


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110202 at 11:54

No roots, no leaves. 无根也无叶.


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110131 at 13:40

Silence finds the fool absent, the wise present.

Still body, active mind.
Active body, still mind.

True power, honor, respect -are earned only when first given.


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20110118 at 18:48

[Slippers are a form of compromise.]


In aphorism, chinese, idiom, proverb, rumination on 20101203 at 12:59

Diversity is a reality, not a verb; the challenge is to embrace and nurture it.

The fool that listens not, will hear not when deafness calls.

A false accuser trammels with threat, shackles with blame, condemns with guilt.

Tis easier for the fool to exit, than for the wise to enter. 出门容得,入门难得。


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20100914 at 15:44

Real wealth wears no crown.

The short leg reaches the ground, same as the long leg.


In aphorism, chinese, proverb on 20100123 at 00:36

Life’s lessons are learned not in a book, but in our heart.

No polish in the world can keep the dirt off a shoe’s sole.

The vast expanse unknown might be a desert; it might be an ocean.

With but a single footprint is the earth moved.