Jessica B.

Archive for the ‘linguistics’ Category


In aphorism, linguistics, question on 20160619 at 22:10

Whose loyalty is more powerful? That of the animal caged or that of the creature that returns and stays at will?


In aphorism, linguistics, proverb on 20110730 at 09:40

Every artist needs an agent.

Language is spectacular for the reason that it doesn’t need to make sense in order for it to have meaning.

The fool continue to water the shriveled plant.

The fool close their eyes to deny the darkness of night, as delusional in the absence of light as the ostrich who invites the night by burying his head in the sand at midday.

A fool farmer asks the rooster not to crow.

The fool silence the siren, suppressing a response in a deluded effort to deny a disaster.

Freedom is sacrificed in the name of safety and security, which are victim only to pride and honor.