Jessica B.

Posts Tagged ‘not’


In aphorism, rumination on 20191111 at 23:55

Fools will welcome your affection.
Most will tolerate your existence.
Few will question your truth.
The wise will accept your contradictions.

Be true to yourself, or be true to no one.

If you are untrue to even one, you are untrue to at least two — the other and yourself.

Knowing truth is knowing what it means to be alone.

Reality is not to scale.
Understanding is partial.
Perception is skewed.
Experience is biased.

Let everything without words say everything that words cannot say.


In aphorism on 20171004 at 23:55

Prayer may carry you through a crisis, but it will prevent nary a crisis.


In aphorism, bon mot, proverb on 20160731 at 23:55

The moment you decide that you deserve better is the moment that you know better—and already in this moment, you are better off.

The fool wears chains to the tune of gold—grounded in insecurity, weighted by vanity, and convinced they are better off decorated than liberated.

As if the limits of mortality were not damning enough, the fool boasts of his own. 

If a fool looks for dirt in the cleanest of waters, he is sure to succeed—if only in finding his reflection.

The fool dismisses a dozen opportunities before asking for a second chance.

Regret is the currency of the fool and the agency of the wise.

Waking up is hard to do, but it’s the only way to welcome in a new day.

What is the difference between mail and email? a LETTER


In aphorism, proverb, rumination on 20151205 at 19:46

Circumstance is a choice, not chance. 


In aphorism, proverb on 20150815 at 23:55

A bat will never see the light.

The fool has much desire to speak and offers little to say.

Until we make efforts for peace, we will make excuses for war. 

The fool argue sides, the wise argue issues.

Who explains without end has yet begun to understand. 

Who points a finger in blame has nary another point to offer. 


In aphorism, poetry, proverb, question, rumination on 20150701 at 23:55

A miracle is / but proper science experienced / by one who believes / but does not understand. 

The question is, to copy or be copied? 


In aphorism, question, rumination on 20150525 at 23:55

Which is rarer, the jewel in the rough or the eye that sees it? 

Precious is the jewel that has been discovered, unlike objects of abundance, for its worth is, if only in that it is valued.

A blanket of stars is ne’er for sale, ne’er for purchase, only for beholding or forsaking.

If humility is apt to follow certainty, perchance enlightenment stands to follow uncertainty. 

The future is often more than we could hope for, if not what we expect. 


In aphorism on 20141123 at 23:55

【As a Tree 】
Be as a tree. A tree that stands strong, no matter the wind or rain or the sun’s strong rays. For the wind does not define a tree. For the rain does not define a tree. For the sun does not define a tree. A tree stands tall -firmly, simply, rooted in soil. A tree offers leaves to summer winds and but bare branches to winter winds. A tree awaits the coming of the rain and waits out the drying of the rain. A tree receives of the sun and returns again glory to the earth. A tree is a tree and no more, despite the elements and despite their absence. Be as the tree and stand strong -despite what may, and despite what may not.


In aphorism on 20141019 at 01:23

It is not in our answering of questions that we stand to learn the most, but in our asking.

The horizon can only be viewed from afar.

It takes but a closed eye to ever deny a sunset.


In aphorism, proverb on 20140319 at 21:43

How we handle a present failing is more crucial to determining a future success than is the incidence of the failure itself.

Every incidence of failure is given an opportunity for redemption, and that depends on whether we let it stop us or whether we bow to it or allow it to inspire a change within us.

A present failing is often but a perceived failing.

A failing offers but an opportunity to try again with informed experience behind us.

To loosen one’s grip is not necessarily to lose one’s grip.