Jessica B.

Archive for December, 2008|Monthly archive page


In aphorism, proverb on 20081230 at 15:26

Rare is the opportunity -and ability- to say the right thing to the wrong person.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081225 at 15:27

May we be content with less and happy with more.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081221 at 15:37

The blood that boils is slow to cool.

The monkey mocked is a monkey made.

Smart and heart are spelled differently.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081218 at 15:46

A day without learning or laughter is no day indeed.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081217 at 15:51

‘Tis easier to give the egg away before it cracks.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081216 at 15:40

A single match, lighting a candle, will burn for hours.


In aphorism, proverb on 20081213 at 15:41

‘Tis easier to point a finger than offer a hand.

Embrace an action for its own sake, not for the justification of its sake.