Jessica B.

Posts Tagged ‘question’


In aphorism, rumination on 20191111 at 23:55

Fools will welcome your affection.
Most will tolerate your existence.
Few will question your truth.
The wise will accept your contradictions.

Be true to yourself, or be true to no one.

If you are untrue to even one, you are untrue to at least two — the other and yourself.

Knowing truth is knowing what it means to be alone.

Reality is not to scale.
Understanding is partial.
Perception is skewed.
Experience is biased.

Let everything without words say everything that words cannot say.


In aphorism on 20180106 at 23:55

Who does not give up an apology so claims an error forever as his own. 

The fool who is right is deaf, for his unwilliness to listen to the truth. 
The lay who might be right is dumb, for his unwillingness to set aside his pride. 
The intellect who might be wrong questions, for the potential to gain the truth. 
The wise who is wrong apologizes, for in giving up his pride he gains the truth. 


In aphorism, proverb on 20170312 at 23:55

The fool use physical force to resolve philosophical differences. The wise use philosophical might to overcome physical indifference. 
A problem is but a question. 

If necessity is the mother of invention, perhaps ingenuity is the daughter of competition. 


In aphorism, question on 20161126 at 23:55

A problem is at the heart of its solution.

It is the first mark of an educated mind to admit ignorance.



In aphorism, poetry, proverb, question, rumination on 20150701 at 23:55

A miracle is / but proper science experienced / by one who believes / but does not understand. 

The question is, to copy or be copied? 


In aphorism, rumination on 20141213 at 17:44

To accept that the world turns is to wax pragmatically.
To question why the world turns is to wax existentially.
To propose how the world turns is to wax analytically.
To understand how the world might turn better is to wax psychologically.

Not even the wise escape error, but many a fool excuse apology.

An ounce of awareness is worth more than a pound of action.

Where the captain hails, the oarsmen will row.


In aphorism on 20141019 at 01:23

It is not in our answering of questions that we stand to learn the most, but in our asking.

The horizon can only be viewed from afar.

It takes but a closed eye to ever deny a sunset.


In aphorism, proverb on 20120602 at 23:40

When we share, ownership becomes secondary to fellowship.

Your quest, your questions.

Projection is proximal to perception, distal to existence.

Learning follows listening.

Clarity wears a cloak of obscurity.


In aphorism, proverb, question, quote on 20110420 at 20:57

Often the best answer finishes with a question mark.


In aphorism, proverb on 20110315 at 17:19

To receive a reaction, make a statement; to request a response, ask a question.