Jessica B.

Archive for April, 2009|Monthly archive page


In aphorism, proverb on 20090430 at 10:44

The clearest way to see within is to be without.

There is a time to shine, and a time to let others shine.

The setting of the sun has a silent way of bidding farewell.

And the small root shall overcome even the most stubborn of the big rocks.

A blossom blooms only while the beauty begets and will whither wherever the wind wills.


In aphorism, poetry, proverb on 20090429 at 10:53

《genealogy of philosophical rebirth》
Curiosity encouraged begets information;
Information supported begets knowledge;
Knowledge nurtured begets understanding;
Understanding embraced begets wisdom;
Wisdom sustained begets curiosity.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090427 at 07:14

To act without knowledge of the truth does not negate that truth, it confirms ignorance thereof.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090426 at 08:08

Even fake is real.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090424 at 08:12

Until it’s perfect, it’s practice.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090423 at 08:12

Admission of the truth does not implicate a wrong.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090421 at 08:13

That BEing enough does not excuse not DOing enough is proof that some force is greater and less irrational than the physical.

Life is the fine art of both letting go of fear and hanging on for dear.

Life is a balance between letting go and hanging on.


In rumination on 20090419 at 12:29

[on self-repression and morality]

Self-repression is not morality; it is a fear-based excuse to live under the denial of the expanse of emotions and opportunities that is gifted unto humanity. Self-repression is a lack of awareness, a lack of consciousness, and furthermore a lack of appreciation for what we have been given. It is often exercised in the [vain] name of a higher being/order/power. Its false front of morality is usually under the guise of intolerance for another’s audacity to experience life.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090419 at 08:50

Morality is listening to your conscience, acting accordingly, and being able to sleep with a clear mind.

May we be less certain of our doubts, and more doubtful of our certainties.

War is premeditated murder without exception, exemption, or excuse.


In aphorism, proverb on 20090418 at 09:21

Neither capitalism nor socialism can succeed mutually exclusively of the intentions of the other.

May our liberties and abilities be capitalist, our will and responsibilities socialist, our actions and accountabilities humanitarian.