Jessica B.

Archive for November, 2019|Monthly archive page


In aphorism, rumination on 20191111 at 23:55

Fools will welcome your affection.
Most will tolerate your existence.
Few will question your truth.
The wise will accept your contradictions.

Be true to yourself, or be true to no one.

If you are untrue to even one, you are untrue to at least two — the other and yourself.

Knowing truth is knowing what it means to be alone.

Reality is not to scale.
Understanding is partial.
Perception is skewed.
Experience is biased.

Let everything without words say everything that words cannot say.


In analogy, aphorism, rumination on 20191111 at 23:55

Until she had the fruit in hand or until the branch broke clean, she would continue to go out on a limb.