Jessica B.

Posts Tagged ‘everything’


In aphorism, proverb, rumination on 20120516 at 23:59

Without an outrage, a wrong is not a scandal.

Impatience is the supernatural disappointment of mortal expectations.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but Earth… was?

Who imagine forgiveness, realize peace. Who imagine revenge, realize war.

Imagine a society that accepts its responsibility to support each person as equally as it expects each person to respect its rule. Imagine if just one person supported a single other person, regardless of their imperfect past, embracing them for who they have the potential to be. Imagine a society that can forgive each other, that we may realize a future together.

To become independent is to be freed.

Independence is a form of freedom. Dependence is a form of captivity.

The independent must collaborate, the dependent must delegate.

The guilty act defensively, the guiltless need not act -they are defenseless.

Who is without guilt is without need for defense.

The fool argue a truth with a falsity.

Calling a piece of shit “a piece of shit” is not to be negative, it is to acknowledge truth, to refuse judgment.

To compliment where an insult is due is to refuse the truth.

Who deny the truth fool themselves.

Being me is the greatest challenge I could ever face -when I do that, everything else is a cinch. When I don’t, everything is a task.

The greatest deception, the greatest revelation -is of the self.